A driver who accidentally killed a man by dragging him 80 metres under his car has pleaded guilty to destroying evidence after the tragedy.

Mohammed Bashir, 37, admitted attempting to pervert the course of justice at Bradford Crown Court yesterday.

Bashir, of Thorne Grove, Heaton, washed his car to destroy evidence of a collision, the court heard.

His vehicle was involved in a fatal accident with Faiser Iqbal, 22, outside Mr Iqbal's family's business in Arthington Street, Whetley Hill, Bradford.

The car was driven off after the accident, at about 3am on December 21, 2006, but it was later recovered by the police.

Mr Iqbal, of Bingley Road, Bradford, died of multiple injuries in St James's Hospital, Leeds, five days later.

At an inquest in Bradford last September, Assistant Deputy Coroner Paul Marks recorded a verdict of accidental death at Bradford Coroner's Court. He said there was no evidence the driver, who was not named at the inquest, even knew he had run over his victim.

Judge Jonathan Durham Hall QC yesterday told the Crown Court: "The charge hardly reflects the tragic circumstances."

But he added that Bashir's plea "has spared a number of people the ordeal of reliving this harrowing incident".

The judge adjourned sentence until March 10 for the preparation of a probation report.

He said he wanted a full, all options, report exploring "the tragic and grave nature of the incident that led to this".

Additional charges of failing to stop at the scene of an accident and failing to report an accident will not be proceeded with, the court heard.

The judge told Bashir he must co-operate completely with the probation service and tell them what happened and why.

Members of Mr Iqbal's family were in court for the case that had been listed for trial.

After the hearing, Detective Sergeant Ian Lawrance, of Bradford North CID, said: "The family are pleased with the guilty plea.

"Hopefully, the sentence in March will bring closure for them following this harrowing ordeal."