A Bradford pensioner who refused to pay council tax because he claimed Bradford Council was involved in the war on terror has agreed to pay the money back in instalments.

During a committal hearing at Bradford Magistrates Court yesterday it emerged that Anthony Gibbons, who owed £490.50 in council tax bills, was wilfully refusing to pay the amount.

The 72-year-old, who has not paid the bill since November, 2006, claimed he was being persecuted by the police and MI5 and said he was not paying the money as form of a protest.

He said: "I am on this black list and I am picked up every time I go into town in Bradford. I am followed round by CCTV.

"I have made a complaint about security services keeping me under surveillance."

"The reality is from the Government down to the police force and the Council. They can't deny they are part of the war on terror," he said.

Duty solicitor Nick Leadbeater, representing Mr Gibbons, said his client promised to pay back the money at £50 per month.

Bench chairman Alison Henny said Mr Gibbons, who lives in a mobile home at Dick Lane Garage, Dick Lane, Bradford, was in culpable neglect.

She said: "He will have to accept that he has received pensions, and while he isn't exactly rolling in money, he would have to accept that he has had the means to make some payments."