PATIENTS, health professionals and charities across West Yorkshire and Harrogate are coming together in a national celebration of specialist cancer nurses tomorrow.

15 March marks National Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) Day, with a campaign to raise awareness and to encourage more people to come forward and join the profession.

The campaign is endorsed by Health Education England, cancer charity Macmillan, the Royal College of Nursing and the UK Oncology Nursing Society.

The six acute hospital Trusts across West Yorkshire and Harrogate are also supporting the campaign, which is being co-ordinated across the area by the WYH Cancer Alliance.

Research from the National Cancer Patient Experience Survey has shown that having access to a named clinical nurse specialist is associated with better patient experience.

Rachel Moser, Workforce Lead with WYH Cancer Alliance, said: “We’re encouraging our nursing colleagues, and those considering a career in nursing, to explore the prospect of becoming a Cancer CNS – often referred to as a lifeline for our patients and their families.

“The demand for cancer services continues to increase, so our workforce needs them more than ever before.

“This campaign provides a great opportunity for people to learn more about the opportunities on offer, and how cancer CNSs are already supporting patients across our area.”