The region's only guitar orchestra has plucked up the courage to produce a CD - and help Cancer Research UK.

Idle Guitarists were also strumming at a gig on Friday to raise funds for the charity.

Orchestra co-ordinator Darren Dutson-Bromley said the charity was close to the group's hearts as his son Kristian, who is now 12, was diagnosed with a rare form of bone cancer when he was seven. Although Kristian has now gone on to make a full recovery, the wife of one of the other guitarists is currently having chemotherapy.

Mr Dutson-Bromley said: "Everyone at some point in their lives will be touched by cancer in some way, we just wanted to do a bit for charity and cancer research seemed an obvious choice for us.'' Aged from 40 to 81, the group meets every Friday for rehearsals at Idle Baptist Church. The 15-strong guitar orchestra started from a cancelled guitar course at Bradford College.

Mr Dutson-Bromley, who used to be the course tutor, said: "When our classes were cancelled because of cutbacks we decided to carry on and focus more on working together as an ensemble, playing a mixture of styles. It's just gone from there.'' The oldest player is 81-year-old Stanley Trainor, of Idle, who said: "It all started by accident. I used to go on painting holidays in Grassington and, at the place I stayed, the man had a room full of instruments. He never played them, just collected them.

"Whenever I went into that room I felt drawn to the guitar. I told a friend who told me about the Idle guitarists - and here I am!

Who would believe it, me on stage at this age?" Although he admits it is a little late in the day to become a rock star, it is still enough to impress the grandchildren. "They think it's great,'' he added.

Although the phone is not red hot with venues wanting to put the guitarists on, there are plans to produce a CD for the charity.

Mr Dutson-Bromley said: "Friday's concert was our first and hopefully it won't be the last.

"In the next few weeks we are looking at making our own CD for family, friends to help the charity."

The orchestra's repertoire stretches from light classical through to Spanish and flamenco, Latin and calypso, TV themes and even a bit of pop, although charts stuff'' is not quite their thing yet, says Mr Dutson-Bromley.

Find out more about the group at