Dog owners have been warned to keep their animals under control after a Labrador was attacked at a beauty spot.

The 15-month-old chocolate Labrador was pounced upon by two English bull terriers in Betty's Wood in St Ives estate in Bingley.

The Labrador's owner, of Eldwick, who did not want to be named, said she was walking her dog when she passed two men with two English bull terriers and three Jack Russells.

She said: "They got my dog to the ground on his back and they were biting him. There was just an awful sound. The men came and tried to drag them off. They did manage to but they had an awful struggle.

"One of the dogs had my dog by the throat. He had bites all over his tummy and under his front legs under his chin and on his throat. I don't think he knew what had hit him."

Pam Laking, of Craven and Wharfedale RSPCA and Friends of St Ives, warned people to keep control of their dogs and to keep them muzzled and on a lead where appropriate. She said the attack was a one-off'.

Police said they were aware of the incident but the owner said no police action was needed.