People are becoming more supportive of speed cameras for cutting road casualties.

A recent poll showed more than 80 per cent of people in West Yorkshire supported them.

The poll, by the West Yorkshire Casualty Reduction Partnership, has been running since last spring.

It showed 78 per cent agreed cameras were meant to encourage drivers to keep to the limits rather than to punish them and that fewer accidents were likely to happen on roads where cameras are installed.

And the replies showed 73 per cent believed more "dangerous" drivers will be caught, not just speeders.

Hardly anyone gave negative feedback to the survey, with less than two per cent feeling the cameras were unnecessary and should be scrapped.

Philip Gwynne, of the partnership, said: "It's gratifying that public approval of cameras in West Yorkshire continues to be so strong. People can see for themselves how cameras are reducing death, injury and crashes on the roads they use.''