Bradford grandmother Margaret Misset has turned her life around in six months, battling through a range of health problems to get fit.

The 64-year-old has lost two and a half stones in the process and now she has picked up a b active' award from Bradford Council in recognition of her determination.

Mrs Misset, of Low Moor, Bradford, was in intensive care with pancreatitis and had to undergo an operation to remove her gall bladder and gall stones.

She also suffered from lymphodemea - a disease that sees fluid and fat build up in tissues - causing her legs to swell and her liver to be filled with fat.

So she set about an intense programme of exercise and healthy eating, and joined a slimming club too.

The first step was to take part in over 50s keep-fit classes at Richard Dunn Sports Centre and soon her training increased to one-hour work-outs in the gym twice a week. The results were staggering with her lymphoedema gone, her liver has recovered, and she does not need to use her inhaler anymore.

As well as the massive weight loss, Mrs Misset has lost four inches off her thighs.

She said: "I was overweight and unhealthy and knew I needed to do something about it.

"I was determined to get fit and lose weight. I'm really proud of myself and I hope other people will see if I can do it then so can they.

"The doctors have given me a clean bill of health and it's all down to taking regular exercise and eating healthily. It's given me a lot more energy and go'.

"I really enjoy the keep-fit classes. All the staff are friendly and have given me a lot of support, help and advice, which has really helped me."

Steve Warner, the Council's head of sport and leisure, presented Mrs Misset with her hard-won award.

He said: "It's fantastic to see how regular exercise, together with a healthy diet, has played such a big part in helping Margaret to regain her health. She is clearly enjoying life so much more now.

"Margaret is a great example to us all, particularly anyone with health problems that can be alleviated by adopting a healthier lifestyle."