Close working between health and the voluntary sector has been pledged through the signing of an agreement.

Chairman of Bradford and Airedale Teaching Primary Care Trust (BAtPCT) John Chuter and the chairman of the Community Network (CNET) Muhammed Salam signed the agreement setting out principles and values to support a healthy relationship between public agencies and the voluntary and community sector (VCS).

"By formalising our commitment in this way, we can work even more effectively together in terms of commissioning cost-effective services and improving the quality of care for the people of Bradford and Airedale," said Mr Chuter.

"I very much look forward to putting into practice all that we have committed to achieve together so we can build a strong and diverse health, voluntary and community sector base for everyone in the district."

Mr Salam said: "This is only just the start. This agreement is a catalyst for us to provide meaningful benefits both to the tPCT and the voluntary and community sector.

"It is a starting point to help us further build relationships and is a live document which can practically help us to improve relationships, performance and decision making."

The agreement focused on issues of equalities and cohesion, resources, consultation and participation, information and partnership, setting out clear areas of agreement and responses to these.