Sports-mad youngsters at a Bradford primary school are leading the way in the nationwide battle against obesity.

Newhall Park Primary School in Bierley has become the first primary school in West Yorkshire to boast its own, on-site, state-of-the-art children's gym.

Pupils of all fitness levels can now pump iron during lunch breaks, and before and after school, in a bid to stay trim.

The £30,000 suite, which features tailor-made exercise equipment including running and cycling machines, cross-trainers and free weights, is decked out in an eye-catching orange and black colour scheme.

Sports Minister and Bradford South MP Gerry Sutcliffe was given a guided tour by youngsters after officially opening the facility. His visit came days after the Government announced its new £372 million obesity strategy which aims to help everyone lead healthier lives.

Mr Sutcliffe said: "Obesity has to be tackled at all levels and none more so than in schools. The equipment in this gym is calibrated to improve children's fitness. As Sports Minister and Bradford South MP, I am delighted that we are launching the first one in West Yorkshire in Bradford."

Mr Sutcliffe added a similar gym had already been established at Haycliffe Special School in Little Horton and other fitness suites were set to be incorporated into the new Buttershaw and Tong secondary schools - set to open in September. "Bradford is well-equipped now to get ahead of the game," added Mr Sutcliffe.

Earlier this month the Telegraph & Argus reported that children throughout the city had hit physical activity targets set by the Government for the first time.

Statistics revealed 80 per cent of pupils aged five to 16 participated in at least two hours of PE per week in 2007 - bettering the national target by five per cent.

Newhall Primary's gym has been jointly funded by Bradford Council's Extended Schools Programme, the PE programme and the school.

Phil Wagner, Bradford Council's strategic manager for PE School Sports and Club Links said: "The origins of the scheme go back to 2006 when a survey of young people identified access to children's gyms as a high priority and it's now fantastic to see our first primary school-based gym.

"We are delighted to have MP Gerry Sutcliffe, and the Deputy Lord Mayor, Coun Elaine Byrom, attending the event and they will also be helping to spread the word about the importance of exercise.

"It's also important that children who are not necessarily sporty are given the chance to have a go at different activities other than traditional sports."

The district's first children's gym was opened in 2007 at Keighley Leisure Centre and another is due to open at Parkside School in Cullingworth.

Newhall Primary head teacher Pauline Ellis said: "The children are absolutely delighted with the gym and the benefits of using it will be enormous."