A man claiming to be a photographer has been reported in the Holme Wood area of Bradford trying to gain access to people's homes to take pictures of young children.

The man claims to be working as part of the Telegraph & Argus's Happy Tots competition, in which professionally taken pictures of youngsters up to the age of three years old can be entered to win prizes.

However, there are no photographers making home visits in connection with the competition, which is being run in association with the Kirkgate Centre, Bradford, and BCR Photographic.

The only way to enter the competition is to have your child's picture taken by the official photographer at the Kirkgate Centre and then return there later to select an image.

If someone visits your home claiming to be a photographer representing the Telegraph & Argus Happy Tots competition, please do not allow them to enter your home.

Police have been informed of the problem and ask anyone who encounters or has encountered such a person to contact them as soon as possible on 0845 6060606.