A teenager who broke a court curfew by going out with his friends on New Year's Eve has been given a stern warning by a judge.

The 17-year-old, from the Greengates area of Bradford, was told by Judge Jonathan Durham Hall QC to "listen to your Dad, not your mates".

The youth appeared in the dock at Bradford Crown Court to admit breaching his overnight curfew order. It was imposed at the court on December 13 for supplying heroin and crack cocaine.

The teenager's father told Judge Durham Hall his son had the chance of work as an apprentice electrician. He said the teenager was tempted out by mates when he was supposed to stay at home from 9pm to 6am.

The judge warned the youth if he breached the order again he might be remanded in custody. He extended the curfew, which originally ran to March 13, by seven days.