A man aged 68 has been jailed for six years for sexual offences against a boy.

Paul Malone, of Stone Street, Allerton, Bradford, had already served a five and a half year prison sentence imposed in 2017 for similar offending against another child.

He was convicted by a jury at Bradford Crown Court yesterday of two allegations of sexually touching a boy under 13.

His victim read out a moving statement in court detailing how the abuse had ruined his childhood. His schooling was affected, he had suffered sleepless nights and had struggled both emotionally and physically to form relationships.

Geraldine Kelly said in mitigation that Malone was already under supervision as part of an indefinite Sexual Harm Prevention Order imposed in 2017.

He was the sole carer for his ill mother and lived with her after his wife had divorced him.

Deputy Circuit Judge Peter Armstrong said they were two very serious offences against a vulnerable young boy.

Malone had been sentenced to five-and-a-half years’ imprisonment in 2017 for similar offending against another child.

“You have an unnatural sexual interest in young boys,” Judge Armstrong told him.

He praised Malone’s victim for the moving and eloquent statement he had read out in court at today’s sentencing hearing.

Malone is already subject to a Sexual Harm Prevention Order and he must continue to sign on the sex offender register for the rest of his life.