A reward of £1,000 has been offered in the hunt for the killers of swans near the Leeds-Liverpool Canal.

PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, has put up the reward to catch culprits who shot the four protected birds at Gargrave, near Skipton, last week.

Three were found dead by RSPCA officers and a fourth was so badly wounded it had to be put down.

A PETA spokesman said the money was for the arrest and conviction of those involved.

"As long as these people are at large other animals in the area - and other people - may also be in danger," he said.

A £200 reward has also been offered by David Scholey, of Belgrave Street, Skipton.

He said he was also concerned that a person was able to walk along the canal towpath armed with a rifle.

Rewards have also been offered by two Bradford businessmen. Robert Price, of Crestville Motors, Clayton, and Kim Langford, of Cartec, Bradford, have put in £500 each.

Mr Langford said: "We were both saddened to read that somebody could harm such beautiful creatures."

Anyone with information should contact the RSPCA cruelty and advice line on 0300 1234 999.