A pregnant woman was among three people evacuated from a top-floor flat when a blaze broke out in the early hours today.

The woman, thought to be aged in her 20s or 30s, escaped unharmed after the fire started in Lindsey Court, New Cross Street, Bradford.

Firefighters from Odsal, who were called to the scene at 1.45am today, said the cause of the blaze was "unusual."

Watch manager Richard Hall said: "It was a bit of a bizarre one.

"A cigarette lighter had been left on the floor and it had inadvertently ignited some clothing. The clothing had been on the floor to soak up a damp patch in the airing cupboard "It had been smouldering for some time, causing quite severe smoke-logging of the building.

"Three people in the flat were evacuated, but nobody was injured.

"It was very unusual, but we would like to warn people to make sure cigarette lighters are not left on the floor where they could ignite combustible material.

"We found the lighter melted in the middle of where the fire had taken place."

Two fire engines from Odsal attended the scene.