One of Bradford's largest and longest-running amateur societies is staging the pantomime Puss in Boots at The Priestley next month.

The show is presented by Drama Unlimited, formally known as Bradford Retail Amateurs and Brown Muff Amateurs.

The society was founded in 1978 and developed as a small amateur group made up of staff from Bradford's former department store, Brown Muff. Since 1975 Drama Unlimited has presented 39 shows including 27 pantomimes, performing at many of Bradford's theatres including St George's Hall, Bingley Arts Centre and The Library Theatre. The society's current home is The Priestley, where it has been performing two shows a year since 2005.

"Puss in Boots promises to be a West End-style spectacular show that will delight family audiences," says Drama Unlimited chairman Carl Murray. "With a cast of 40, showstopping musical numbers and special effects to thrill and amaze, this is a show not to miss. The technical highlight is a 12ft giant who endeavours to wipe out panto-land', including Silas Millstone's exploding windmill."

The cast will be accompanied by dancers from Premiere Dance and a live pit orchestra.

"Puss in Boots promises to be a comedy spectacular, the best value February half-term treat for children," adds Carl.

Chairman of The Priestley, Tom Sandford, adds: "The Priestley is delighted to be presenting Puss in Boots as the highlight of its season. We are always keen to promote amateur and community theatre at the heart of our programme."

Despite recent reports of The Priestley going into administration, the Little Germany theatre launches its new season next week. Highlights include the musical The Hot Mikado, the New Rope String Folk Group and the Shakespeare Youth Festival.

  • Puss in Boots runs at The Priestley from February 12 to 15. For tickets ring (01274) 820666.