The Lord Mayor of Bradford, Councillor Robin Owens, got building work underway on Bradford's new Cancer Support Centre by cutting the first sod for the site at Bradford Royal Infirmary.

Builders from Triton Construction Ltd, of Liversedge, will begin work on Monday and plan to complete the work in 26 weeks.

It involves the refurbishment of a building on the site known as The Farm, which will be extended. It will provide a home for Bradford Cancer Support services for patients and their families.

The project has been made possible thanks to the people of Bradford who contributed to The Daisy Appeal which needs to raise £290,000 more to reach its £1.4 million target.

Coun Owens made the appeal one of his charities during his year in office, along with the Listening for Life Appeal.

Both will benefit from the annual PEC Valentine's charity ball which takes place at the Hilton Hotel, Bradford, on Saturday, February 9, at 7pm.

Tickets are still available for the event, which will feature a champagne reception and food from The Aagrah Restaurant, an auction and a disco. Call Barbara Jackson on 07766 442306 or e-mail: