A bus driver who caused the death of one of his passengers by dangerous driving has had his sentence hearing adjourned until next month.

Saeed Abbas, 26, of Marsh Street, Bradford, was due to have his case concluded at the city's crown court yesterday, but the hearing was put back until February 8 for legal reasons.

Abbas was driving a bus in Huddersfield in September, 2006, when the vehicle crashed on Bradford Road, Fartown, injuring dozens of passengers.

Three weeks after the incident Albert Rowley, 82, of Brighouse, died at Bradford Royal Infirmary after suffering a leg fracture.

Abbas admitted causing death by dangerous driving. He also admitted two further dangerous driving offences.

After Abbas entered his guilty pleas in December Judge Roger Scott imposed an interim driving ban. He said all options including a custodial sentence were open. Abbas had his bail renewed by Judge Christopher Prince yesterday.