A 20-year-old man has been locked up for more than five years for drug dealing on Bradford's streets.

Khezer Khan, of Springcliffe, Manningham, was "up to his neck" in the trade, a judge said today.

It was the third time Khan had been before a court for supplying drugs.

Judge Roger Scott told him: "Keighley and Bradford are hotbeds of drug dealing and the courts should take all steps to discourage it."

Khan was sentenced to 2,045 days in custody at Bradford Crown Court.

He pleaded guilty at an earlier hearing to possessing heroin and crack cocaine with intent to supply.

With him in the dock were Yousaf Bhatti, 21, an apprentice goldsmith, of High Park Drive, Heaton, and Mark Hawkes, 29, of Hazelwood Road, Haworth.

Bhatti admitted being concerned in the supply of heroin by bagging up the drug.

Hawkes pleaded guilty to supplying heroin and crack cocaine by driving a car containing wraps of the drugs.

Bhatti was given a two-year community sentence coupled with supervision and 100 hours' unpaid work. He must attend an enhanced thinking skills course.

Hawkes was given an 18- month community sentence with supervision.

Judge Scott warned both men any breach of the sentence conditions would mean custody.

Prosecutor Gavin Howie said officers in Bradford Area Drugs Team mounted an operation in Keighley Road, Frizinghall, on September 6 2006.

They stopped a car Hawkes was driving with Khan the front seat passenger.

They were caught with a tin containing 15 wraps of heroin and eight of crack cocaine.