NEIGHBOURHOOD Policing Teams (NPTs) across West Yorkshire have proved their worth having submitted more than 42,000 pieces of intelligence last year.

The figures revealed today by West Yorkshire Police show NPTs across the county collected and handed over 42,878 pieces of information between January 1, 2021 and December 31, 2021.

That equates to roughly 117 submissions per day.

These pieces of intelligence related to a variety of offences.

This included drugs, anti-social behaviour (ASB), burglary, and general community issues.

More than half of the average of those total submissions (54 per cent) were deemed to be useful (graded as being actionable or developmental).

A spokesperson for West Yorkshire Police said: "Did you know that during the 1st January 2021 and 31st December 2021 the Neighbourhood Teams within West Yorkshire Police submitted 42,878 pieces of intelligence in relation to subjects including ASB, burglary, community issues and drugs.

"Over half of the average of total submissions (54 per cent) across the force were graded as being actionable or developmental."