Bradford councillors have agreed to lobby the Energy Minister over tackling fuel poverty in the wake of the latest gas and electricity price hikes.

At a meeting of the full council this afternoon, a decision was made to write to John Hutton asking him to call a meeting with the big six energy companies along with industry regulator Ofgem and consumer group Energywatch.

Councillor Michael Walls called for a shared approach that can form part of the Energy Bill before it completes its passage through Parliament.

Coun Walls told the meeting about the recent price rises announced by British Gas, Npower and EDF Energy and the likelihood that the three remaining major suppliers would follow suit.

"This situation has led to grave and understandable concern for many of our district's vulnerable residents, particularly those of pensionable age," he said.

"From talking to a large number of my constituents in Queensbury, I know it is certainly something of great concern to them."

He told the Council a new Fuel Poverty Indicator to predict the incidence of fuel poverty when applied to 21 local authority areas in Yorkshire and Humber, found Bradford had the third highest in number and the third highest in percentage terms of households living in fuel poverty.

Other decisions at the meeting included: - A Labour amendment to a motion on lifetime homes calling for the Council to review its approach to home extensions and adaptations, and to ensure lifetime homes are a priority when the Local Development Plan is debated.

- A Liberal Democrat motion on NHS dental services calling for the Primary Care Trust to set out its plans to further alleviate problems in the lack of access to an NHS dentist. Figures show only 53 per cent of Bradford residents are registered with an NHS dentist.

- A Liberal Democrat amendment to a motion on Myra Shay sports facility in Bradford Moor was passed. Councillor Colin Gill said there were plans to allow a section of the field to be used by pupils from a new special school, with community use also allowed. He said: "Please do not claim we want to build anything on Myra Shay. We do not and we will not."