A single mother is making a final fundraising push to enable her autistic son to undergo specialist therapy in the US in the hope she will finally hear him say mummy'.

Already Jemma Barker, 25, has succeeded in raising £8,200 with the help of friends, family and kindhearted people in Bradford.

Now she needs to find a further £1,800 to pay for four-year-old Jude to go through the radical programme of therapy in the US and to complete a special playroom at their home in Great Horton, for the work to continue on the family's return.

Jude has severe autism, which was diagnosed at the age of two and cannot talk or communicate and lives life in a bubble'.

He is unable to play or see the world as other little boys do and is upset easily if places are too noisy or busy.

Miss Barker and Jude are due to travel to the Son-Rise Institute in Massachusetts on April 28 for intensive therapy which aims to reverse some of the effects of autism.

Thanks to the fundraising efforts so far Miss Barker has bought a portable building for the garden of her house which will be used as a specialist playroom where the techniques taught by the programme will be put into practice.

Miss Barker said: "I need the last £1,800 to pay for the actual trip to the USA. The flights have been a nightmare to get, but I have a travel agent who has been wonderful and sorted it out for me.

"I got a decent quote of £1,200 for me, Jude and my friend to go, but the later I leave it to pay, the more expensive it will be."

Miss Barker said she had been astounded by the response to her fundraising appeal and particularly thanked Mick Couzens, community development worker for Bradford Park Avenue, whose efforts have raised more than £1,000 for Jude.

To find out more visit www.myspace.com/judebarker or telephone Miss Barker on 07856 912223.