Detectives are combing through CCTV footage in the hunt for two teenage muggers who attacked a man with an iron bar as he used a cashpoint machine.

The victim, in his 50s, managed to stave off the boys as they demanded money but he suffered head wounds which required 28 stitches.

They fled empty-handed.

Detective Inspector Gerry O'Shea appealed for information about the attack which occurred outside Yorkshire Bank's branch in Leeds Road, Laisterdyke, Bradford, at 7.15pm on Sunday.

"This was a very serious incident which left a man requiring hospital treatment," he said.

"The two youths attacked him with what appears to have been a metal bar. The complainant bravely scuffled with his attackers and they fled the scene. We are currently studying CCTV images of the incident in an attempt to identify his attackers."

The suspects are described as white males between 14 and 15. The first was about 5ft 10ins and wearing a dark blue hooded top. The second was about 5ft 5ins tall and was also wearing a hooded top of an unknown colour.

Det Insp O'Shea said: "This is quite a busy area and there were people around at the time so we are appealing for anyone who may have witnessed the incident, or who saw anyone acting suspiciously in the area to contact us."

Anyone with information should contact Bradford North Police on 0870 6060606.