A reward has been offered in a bid to catch the killers of swans on the Leeds-Liverpool canal.

David Scholey of Belgrave Street, Skipton, is putting up £200 for information which can help the RSPCA investigate the shootings at Gargrave.

Three swans were shot and killed in flood waters next to the canal last week and a fourth was so badly wounded, it had to be put down.

The RSPCA say they were shot with a high velocity rifle.

Mr Scholey said: "The reward is for information which would results in naming, shaming and prosecuting this apology for a human being."

Mr Scholey said it was worrying that a person was able to walk along the canal towpath with a rifle, considering the concerns about the growth in gun culture.

If caught, the culprits would be prosecuted and if found guilty, faced up to six months in prison and/or a fine of up to £5,000.

Anyone with information should contact the RSPCA cruelty and advice line on 0300 1234 999. Calls are in confidence.

All wild birds, including swans, are protected under the Wildlife And Countryside Act 1981.