Four Bradford men have admitted supplying drugs, including cocaine and cannabis.

Andrew Leeming, 23, formerly of Hillside Terrace, Barkerend; Nisar Rashid, 36, of Horton Grange Road, Lidget Green; Sackab Ali, 22, of Heath Road, Undercliffe; and Rafad Ahmed, 31, also of Heath Road, were all due to face trial at Leeds Crown Court yesterday.

But after discussions between prosecution and defence barristers they pleaded guilty to an amended indictment.

Leeming, now of Wyther Park Road, Bramley, Leeds, pleaded guilty to six charges, including being concerned in the supply of cocaine, supplying cannabis and offering to supply ecstasy.

Rashid admitted three charges of being concerned in the supply of cannabis, Ali admitted one offence of supplying cocaine and Ahmed pleaded guilty to one charge of being concerned in the supply of cannabis.

All the offences were committed in February or March of last year.

Judge Roger Ibbotson adjourned the case until March 4 for pre-sentence reports and renewed the defendants' bail on condition that they live and sleep at their home addresses.