TEN New Year babies made their entrances into the world at Bradford Royal Infirmary after midnight last night with girl power leading the way in numbers.

Eight baby girls and two baby boys were born, the first a baby girl born at 12.30am to Sanam Kousar.

She was shortly followed by a thrilled Natalie Feather who welcomed her daughter, Vogue, 4lbs 9oz, with her partner Conor Swales, at 12.34am.

Also making an appearance on New Year's Day was Violet Cuthbert, at 7lbs 7oz, to Natasha and Jordan Cuthbert. She entered the world at 4.29am.

Another baby girl, the daughter of Nikola Tokarova and Lukas Horvath, who has yet to be named, was born at 8.05am weighing 8lbs 9oz.

Mums and babies are all doing well with the number expected to rise with some expectant mums in labour this morning and whose bundles of joy may well make an appearance before the day is over.

BRI labour ward co-ordinators Laura Duxbury-Green and Rachael Gargon said it was very special as the New Year babies brought some good news to the city with new life and new hope for everyone.

"It was a very busy shift for staff with the babies being born between midnight and 8.30am today and the babies and their mums are all doing well," said Rachael.

The hospital said BRI's maternity department was particularly busy as the birth centre was closed due to staff shortages.

At Airedale General Hospital, Helen and Chris Jannetta welcomed a daughter named Aubrey Rose, weighing 7lbs 8oz. She arrived at 7.33am and all are doing well.

Airedale's labour ward co-ordinator Laura Wellborn said they had no more mums in labour so far this morning so Aubrey Rose may well be the hospital's only New Year baby for 2022.