AN award-winning author and criminal barrister has labelled Keighley MP Robbie Moore "astoundingly ignorant" over his Attorney General letter regarding the Star Hobson trial.

Conservative MP Moore wrote to the Attorney General Suella Braverman asking her to review the sentences handed down to Savannah Brockhill and Frankie Smith.

However, he has been accused of "exploiting a tragedy" for his own gain by an anonymous practising criminal barrister.

Brockhill, 28, was handed a life sentence with a minimum term of 25 years for murdering 16-month-old Star in Keighley on September 22, 2020, while Frankie Smith, 20, was jailed for eight years for allowing her daughter's death.

You can read full details here of Robbie Moore's letter - including its factual inaccuracies - and the reasonings for sentences given by vastly experienced High Court Judge Mrs Justice Lambert QC which he disagrees with.

Responding to Mr Moore's tweet of the letter, in which he says the sentences are "too lenient", was author The Secret Barrister, who penned the award-winning number one bestsellers The Secret Barrister and Fake Law.

He said: "The ignorance in this letter is astounding.

"You didn’t even get the sentences right.

"You ask questions that could be easily answered by the most basic online research.

"And you invite the Attorney General to do something she has no power to do. All to exploit a tragedy for your own gain."

Setting out her sentence for Smith, Mrs Justice Lambert put her in the highest range of culpability, with a maximum of 14 years, but decided the most appropriate sentence was that of eight years.

She said Smith's immaturity, the fact she is a victim of domestic abuse and violence, the fact her daughter has been murdered and her not being considered dangerous were all reasons for the eventual sentence.

Brockhill must serve a minimum of 25 years in jail before she is considered for release; she may never be released and wil be on licence for the rest of her life if she is.

She murdered Star by inflicting a severe blow to the 16-month-old's abdomen, lacerating a main vein and causing her death within minutes.

Smith was in the next room at the time, but allowed a violent woman who she knew had assaulted Star in the past unsupervised access to her daughter which resulted in her being killed.