North Yorkshire and York Primary Care Trust (PCT) has launched a new eating disorder network to support patients who are suffering from conditions such as anorexia or bulimia.

The service, one of the first of its kind in the north of England, will work towards the delivery of specialist support to patients in the community.

Such conditions can affect a wide range of men and women of all ages, although the general trend is for young women to be most at risk.

The new service means support will be available at an earlier stage and will also help to reduce the need for some patients to have lengthy stays in hospital because the network will work to co-ordinate their after-care closer to home.

The PCT's director of commissioning and service development Jane Marshall said: "The new eating disorder team will case manage' patients to ensure they have all the support they need from a range of health professionals.

"People living with eating disorders often have multiple needs and require medical, social and psychological support."