After years fundraising by a dedicated group of volunteers, friends and staff, Age Concern North Craven has taken delivery of a new minibus.

Thanks have been extended to Help the Aged which gave £5,000 towards the cost through its Senior Mobility service, and the Clothworkers' Foundation which gave £10,000.

And the fundraising received another boost when £3,500 was raised at a flower festival at Coniston Hall, Coniston Cold.

The event was organised by the North Craven Flower Club and featured 25 floral displays.

The displays were all auctioned during a cheese and wine evening later in the day.

Mel McGeoch, Age Concern North Craven transport co-ordinator, said: "Public transport in this predominately rural area is often sporadic and many older people are unable to use it.

"The minibus is the only service of its kind in the area and we look forward to using it for a long time to come."

Sue Mann, Help the Aged regional development officer, added: "We were delighted to help Age Concern North Craven buy their new vehicle."