Emergency repairs were taking place over the weekend at a Bradford church after the latest in a series of break-ins.

Members of Bankfoot National Spiritualist Church are pig sick' because their place of worship is being repeatedly targeted by thieves and vandals.

The building in Bowling Old Lane, off Manchester Road, Bradford, has been hit by thugs again, continuing a trend of smashed windows, thefts, paint-throwing attacks, flytipping and children throwing stones.

Church treasurer Dave Rose said in the latest incident, which happened sometime between Monday, January 14, and Wednesday, January 16, damage was caused to the entrance where a window had been smashed. Mr Rose said only a week ago someone broke into the office and stole money and weekly raffle prizes.

They also cut wires to the exterior lighting.

He said: "We are pig sick. All the hard work we have done trying to repair this place, and now we have to start again.

"This is supposed to be a place of worship, but all the windows are bricked up, the entrances are barred, and there are padlocks everywhere. It looks more like a prison."

Mr Rose said that just before Christmas thieves took the office computer, printer, collection money and Christmas Draw money. In June last year the Telegraph & Argus reported that scores of tiles had been removed from the roof of the church, causing hundreds of pounds worth of damage.

This was the second time lead had been taken from the roof.

Now the roof has been replaced by another substance. And even though the church has put in security measures, such as a neighbourhood watch scheme and sensor lights, problems seem to be getting worse.

Mr Rose said: "We just don't know what to do next. What on earth makes people do this, especially to a church?"

West Yorkshire Police confirmed they were investigating reports of an attempted break-in at the church.

Anyone with information about the offences should call Bradford South police on 0845 6060606 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.