The Rotary Club of Shipley's Christmas Tree Appeal supplied more than 260 presents for needy children.

In conjunction with Asda at Shipley, members of the club manned' a Christmas tree in the store's foyer, where labels bearing children's names were taken and returned with a present.

Rotary Club president David Ward said: "We give a big thank you to the many members of the Shipley public who bought much-needed quality presents for needy children in the Shipley and Baildon area, and, of course, a thank you to the store for accommodating us."

The Christmas Tree Appeal has now entered its 14th year in the Shipley area.

Shipley Rotary Club next play host to 48 children and carers who will visit the Alhambra Theatre on Thursday to see Billy Pearce in Peter Pan.

The children's tickets are paid for by the club, who also supply sweets and ice cream.