A single mum fears for her baby daughter's health after fighting a losing battle against the mice infesting her flat.

But Leanne Dobson says her complaints have fallen on deaf ears after claiming she was told: "let your cat catch them."

For weeks, Miss Dobson, 32, has had to put up with mice scurrying through her home in Denby Drive, Baildon.

They have run across the floor of her bedroom where her 16-month-old daughter sleeps in a cot, and in the bathroom, leaving droppings, she said.

The mother-of-three said she was "gob-smacked" when she telephoned Bradford Community Housing Trust (BCHT) and claims she was given advice to let her cat - a tortoiseshell named Becks - solve the infestation problem.

Miss Dobson, who works as a cleaner, told the Telegraph & Argus: "The mice are a health risk and carry diseases. If they are running around my house near my 16-month-old daughter, she could catch something.

"When I go to bed, I can hear them moving around and I felt one run just past my head. I have been putting up with it but I can't any more. It is making me sick.

"I phoned them (BCHT) just before Christmas and the woman on the phone said it will be all right; you have a cat'. She expected me to stick the cat in the room to clear the mice up - I was quite gobsmacked."

Workers for BCHT visited the two-bedroom flat a week later to fill in holes made by the mice, a spokesman for the housing association said. However, Miss Dobson, who lives with daughter Georgia, one, Callum, 12 and Liam, 14, claims it was three weeks before the men turned up.

"It took them three weeks to come out, but I would think that mice in your house would be a top priority," she said.

"They did eventually come round with silicon guns to fill in the hole. They filled in some but they said they didn't want to go in the kitchen where the dogs were and said I could do it myself."

The mice have since gnawed through the filler, she said.

Miss Dobson said she believed the mice infestation had been caused by people leaving rubbish around the area.

And she fears she may have an even bigger problem after seeing a rat in her home. She said: "We have 12 tenants and two metal bins, so people are just leaving their rubbish lying around. The bins are contributing to the mice problems and I saw a rat that was coming in to get the dog biscuit. If I've got them, I'm sure there will be other tenants with them as well. It is disgusting."

After being contacted by the Telegraph & Argus, the trust sent a bricklayer and joiner to Miss Dobson's home, said Tony Lofthouse, a spokesman for the trust.

Mr Lofthouse said Miss Dobson had first contacted the trust in August and workers had visited her home.

She was not in so they left a card, but Miss Dobson did not contact the trust again until September, and a team of two workers was sent to fill the holes, he said.

He said: "A report was made by the tenant on September 20 and the holes were filled up. There has not been a report since. We have no record of anyone telling her to let her cat catch them.

"The tenant is quite happy that we will be sending a bricklayer and a joiner in the morning to carry out the work."