RICH Quelch, global head of marketing at Lifestyle Packaging look at sustainable gift ideas for the festive season

As the time of year known for indulgence and excess, Christmas can be difficult to enjoy sustainably. But after the chaos of last Christmas, which many of us had to spend separated from family and friends, this year marks a new opportunity to reset how we think about gifting at Christmas, what really matters and how our choices affect wider sustainability efforts.

Gifting more sustainably doesn’t mean your loved ones have to go without or have to settle for less this Christmas. All that’s needed is a little planning and creativity, not a bigger budget. If anything, planning your gifts more consciously can actually save you money.

According to research by American Express, the average UK shopper is expected to spend £80 on sustainable gifts this year. When asked why, a third said they felt better about themselves for giving sustainably, while half said they felt it was the right thing to do for the planet. A third of shoppers said they felt there was a better choice of second-hand and sustainable gifts this year.

When it comes to gifting, there are so many simple ways you can support the planet, while giving your loved ones something they’ll love. So, if you’re planning a greener Christmas this year, here are some thoughtful sustainable gift ideas to try.

*Make your own festive treats

Rather than relying on shop-bought sweets and bakes, why not roll up your sleeves and make your own delicious festive treats?

Bake up a batch of your favourite biscuits, salted caramel toffees or fruit jam. Or, for those who don’t have a sweet tooth, try your hand at cheese and rosemary biscuits or toasted nuts.

Present your homemade goodies in decorative glass jars that your friends and family can reuse time and time again.

*Support positive change

It’s the thought that counts, right? Not everyone wants to unwrap a gift but that doesn’t mean that your hard-earned money can’t go towards a worthy cause.

In a loved one’s honour, donate to a charity or non-profit organisation close to their heart. Save the Children has several different items, starting from £8, which will be donated to youngsters in need. These items range from toys to food and medical supplies.

For someone passionate about the environment, consider donating to an organisation like the Woodland Trust. For £10, the organisation will help plant more trees, working towards their ambitious target of 50 million planted across the UK.

*Buy local

Rather than purchasing a mass-produced product from a large online retailer, consider buying your Christmas gifts closer to home.

Supporting small businesses this festive season has many benefits for the environment, as well as for your local community. Your gift will have a much smaller carbon footprint, as it has not travelled hundreds of miles to a warehouse, store or in a delivery van to your door, especially if you pick handmade items using locally sourced materials and labour.

*The gift that keeps giving

Living a waste-free life can be challenging. But as more of us are looking for ways to live more sustainably, why not purchase a gift that helps people reduce waste?

For the coffee lover, a reusable glass or silicon coffee cup can cut out the need for shop-bought ones on the go. For the beauty lover, gift reusable make-up remover pads or plastic-free haircare bars. For those that love cooking, reusable wax wraps, a stainless-steel lunch box or a compost bin are perfect gifts that are practical and reduce waste.

*This year’s must-have toys

For children, Christmas is all about toys. The problem is many are made from plastic that ends up discarded in the natural environment. Wooden toys made from sustainably sourced wood are a much more environmentally friendly option that can be recycled. They’re also body-safe and durable. Toys made from wool felt are another great option as they’re completely biodegradable. Be sure to use wool felt, as some felt is made from synthetic materials that are not recyclable.

From food items to cuddly animals, head onto YouTube to find easy tutorials on how to make your own.

* That’s a wrap

You’ve got your wonderful, thoughtful gifts all planned out, and now it’s time to get wrapping.

Traditional wrapping paper is often dyed or laminated and may contain bits of glitter which makes it unrecyclable. Opt for on-trend brown paper recyclable gift wrap, reuse gift bags from last Christmas or wrap your gifts in compostable tissue paper.

Paper tape is a much eco-friendlier alternative to conventional tape, which is made from plastic. Water-activated tape uses an adhesive that’s water based and doesn’t leave any sticky residue so your wrapping paper can be kept for the recycling.
