A £126,000 Lamborghini was badly damaged when it collided with a stationary Vauxhall Corsa - sending it careering into a garden.

People living in Mayo Avenue, Bradford, said they heard the roar of the engine of the bright orange supercar moments before today's crash.

Corsa owner, Richard Venner, 21, said he had been hoping to sell the car for about £400, before it ended up in his neighbour's garden.

He said: "My car was parked near enough outside my house, but has ended up in my next door neighbour's garden. I had a brand new 32-inch television in the car as well, but that's totally ruined now."

Chris Toney, 25, who lives at the house damaged by the Corsa, said: "It has completely demolished the wall.

"We heard the crash and then when we went outside, there was the Corsa in my garden.

"It was parked about four or five metres away from my house, so it's travelled quite a way.

"I don't envy whoever owned the Lamborghini though."

A West Yorkshire Police spokesman confirmed the Corsa was stationary at the time of the collision.

The top speed of a Lamborghini Gallardo coupe is 196mph and it costs a formidable £126,350 brand new.

Mr Toney, an IT engineer, said he was relieved his car had not been damaged in the accident. He said: "It hasn't damaged mine but some bricks did end up hitting my dad's car.

"Normally my mum's car is parked on the road there, so it would have totally ruined that, like it has with the Corsa."

Wayne Adlington, 36, who also lives in Mayo Avenue, also heard the crash.

He said: "You could hear the Lamborghini going up the road, because obviously it has a pretty big engine.

"Then I heard this almighty rev of the engine just moments before a loud bang.

"If anybody had been standing there they would have been killed straight away."

Mr Adlington said the Corsa had been forced through a gap between the wall and an adjoining fence.

He said: "That is why their wall has fallen forward on to the pavement, and the car has ricocheted almost into their garden."

The cause of the accident is being investigated by police.