Tributes have been paid to a 15-year-old schoolgirl believed to have died suddenly in her sleep.

Rachel Hirst was found dead by her mum Barbara at their family home in Thornton, Bradford, when she failed to get up for school.

The Thornton Grammar School pupil Rachel also leaves dad Paul, brothers David and Phillip and sister Cathryn.

Writing on memorial website Gone Too Soon, Anne and Lynda, who describe themselves as family friends, say Rachel's death last Tuesday was caused by "suspected sudden adult death syndrome".

Writing on the same site, brother Phillip says: "You are so strong-willed and determined to get what you want from life.

"But you didn't even get a chance to shine or show us all what you could do."

And older sister Cathryn says: "You will always be my ray of sunshine always there to listen. I will carry on doing the things we would have done.

"Don't forget where we are - love you always."

Pupils at nearby Thornton Grammar school were said to be in shock after learning of Rachel's death.

A West Yorkshire police spokesman confirmed that officers attended the family's home after Rachel was found dead and that there were no suspicious circumstances.