A leading brass band is still looking for a new sponsor to the tune of £28,000.

Yorkshire Building Society Brass Band is playing on a shoestring budget and can struggle on for a few months yet, says its manager Allan Holdsworth, but it urgently needs to strike up a new deal.

The former European, Yorkshire and All England Masters Champions are on their way to a weekend in Scarborough next Saturday but say their fee for playing at the two concerts there will nowhere near cover their costs.

"There's the coach and hotel to pay for, the fee we get for playing is next to nothing really," he said.

The lack of cash means the bands musicians are not even able to claim expenses, he added.

Although the band has held on to its Yorkshire Building Society title, after the society supported it financially for 11 years, the name could be changed to back a new sponsor, said Mr Holdsworth.

"There's no reason why we can't change it and carry the name of a new sponsor", he said.

The building society support came to an end when the organisation swapped its big sponsorship to back more smaller projects instead.

"We didn't expect to get any offers of sponsorship over Christmas but now we're in to the new year we are hoping something will come up."

To find out more about sponsorship, contact Mr Holdsworth on (01274) 573508 or log on to www.ybsband.org.uk