The Post Office will "carefully consider" the concerns of people in Shipley over post office closures, the Government has said.

In a response to a petition from Shipley MP Philip Davies over concerns branches were going to close in the cull of about 2,500, the Government said it was the decision of the Post Office not ministers.

The Government said it fully recognised the important social role of post offices "particularly in rural and deprived urban communities."

But a letter reads: "The Government does not have a role in proposals or decisions for individual post offices, and final decisions on which post offices will close are taken by Post Office Ltd.

"The consultation period for Shipley commences in May, and Post Office Ltd have confirmed that they will carefully consider in the petition as part of the consultation process."

Mr Davies presented the petition last year to show the strength of feeling in the community over fears residents will be left without vital services.

It called on the Government to recognise the importance of local services and to ensure their promise sufficient branches would be maintained.

Mr Davies said: "The Government and the Post office can be in no doubt about the feeling of people across the Shipley constituency about how important our local post offices are to us.

"I hope they will take heed when they decide which post offices will close."

Last year, ministers defended controversial plans to close post offices across the whole of Bradford saying without Government cash four times as many would have closed.

Post Office Minister Pat McFadden told MPs the "difficult" decisions being taken over closures were a result of "lifestyle changes."

Last month, the Telegraph & Argus revealed four post offices in Keighley and Ilkley have been earmarked for closure as part of a possible 21 branches closing down across the Bradford district.

The post offices facing the axe are: Bradford Road, Stockbridge; East Morton; Highfield in Belgrave Road, Keighley; Leeds Road in Ilkley; and Farnhill, near Skipton.