An MP today branded Northern Rail "heartless and greedy" after claims that the company is docking the pay of staff who have been assaulted at work.

Keighley MP Ann Cryer added her name to a parliamentary petition which accuses the firm of introducing a policy whereby staff who have no choice but to take time off work after they are assaulted only receive "average earnings" if they have a "severe physical injury".

Mrs Cryer said: "It is absolutely awful for someone doing their job to be treated like this. Northern Rail is responsible for their welfare. Any injuries sustained because of work should mean they have full pay, which I do not think is too much to ask."

The motion says the policy "sends out the message that anti-social and disruptive behaviour is not taken seriously by Northern Rail".

The MPs say they are "appalled" that this means that staff suffering less serious injuries or who take time off after "sexist, racist and homophobic threats" will suffer a loss of earnings.

Last week the RMT union said a conductor assaulted and threatened with a bottle was told he would receive only his basic pay, rather than average wages, because the latest in a string of attacks on him was not serious enough.

A spokesman for Northern Rail said: "We take assaults against our employees extremely seriously. Our pay levels and care policy for employees who have been assaulted have been agreed in full consultation with the unions.

"We believe they are in line with industry standards and in some areas represent industry best practice."

Fifteen other MPs have signed the motion calling for a change of policy laid down by Halifax MP Linda Riordan.