A Bradford barrister and her husband have been killed in a road accident on their honeymoon in India.

Michala Emmett, 30, and her husband, Sam Butterfield, 34, died when their taxi was in a collision with a truck as they travelled to Jaisalmer, known as the Golden City.

The "soul-mates" married just a month ago in Bingley and were on the third day of their honeymoon.

Michala's family, who lived in Eccleshill and now live in Bingley, have been left shocked.

Sisters, Danielle Hensby, 29 and Becky Emmett, 25, paid tribute to their "amazing" older sister.

Michala, a former deputy head girl at St Joseph's College in Manningham, realised her dream when her four top A-level grades earned her a place to read law at Somerville College, Oxford.

She attended bar school in London, where she met Mr Butterfield, and specialised in employment law.

She worked in the capital and for the Welsh Assembly before finally settling at Osborne Clarke law firm in Bristol, where Mr Butterfield was a criminal prosecutor based at Albion Chambers.

Becky said: "She was really proud of her roots, even though she left Bradford when she was 18, she would proudly say she was from Yorkshire, she was a true Bradford lass.

"She was a real family girl, she never stopped talking about her family, we are a very close family.

"We worshipped her, we are devastated. She has left a gaping hole in our lives. We have lost the best part of us."

Danielle said: "She was an amazing sister. She excelled in everything, but despite that she was so kind and generous, she would give you the shirt off her back."

"We have got comfort from the fact they died together. As they said in their wedding vows, they were not parted by death. Some couples were meant to be together and they were one of them."

Becky said: "To have known her was to love her."

A funeral will be held for the couple at Clifton Cathedral in Bristol next Friday at 2pm. Michala's family, including her parents Andrew and Jeanette, has invited anyone who knew her to attend the funeral.