A faith healer who operated in Bradford was murdered by the family of a woman he had been helping because he owed them £14,000, a jury heard.

Luton Crown Court heard that Alfusaine Jabbi was lured to the Luton house of Rubina Maroof by her friend Rubina Shah and attacked by Maroof's two brothers and a friend. The jury was told they bound him, tortured him and then stabbed him to death.

Frances Oldham QC, prosecuting, said: "Rubina Shah told police she got to know Rubina Maroof at the school where she worked.

"Rubina Maroof had told her that she had given a lot of cash to Alfusaine Jabbi that she had borrowed from her sisters."

Mrs Oldham added: "She (Maroof) was assured she would get the money back but then he (Mr Jabbi) disappeared and so she now wanted to use Rubina Shah.

"It was set up and there were others there (at the house) to use force if necessary to get the money or information to get the money (from Mr Jabbi)."

Maroof's brother, Tariq Malik, 28, and half-brother, Khalid Malik, 29, both of Selbourne Road, Luton, both deny murdering Mr Jabbi.

Khalid Malik's friend Imran Khan, 27, of Rondini Avenue, Luton, also denies murder.

All three deny charges of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice and conspiracy to unlawfully imprison.

Tariq Malik's wife, Guhar Mirza, 26, of Selbourne Road, Luton, denies one charge of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.

Rubina Shah, 37, of Willow Way, Luton, denies one charge of conspiracy to commit grievous bodily harm and a second charge of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.

The trial continues.