The number of drink-drive arrests by West Yorkshire Police during the Christmas crackdown almost halved from the previous year.

But there was a rise in the percentage of drivers who failed breath tests in the county.

During December, 231 motorists were arrested for driving over the limit, compared to 420 for the same period in 2006. In the Bradford and Keighley district the figure also fell, from 115 to 65.

Across the county, four motorists were arrested for being unfit through drink or drugs, a big drop from 25 in the previous year.

But the force's Road Policing Support Inspector, Russell Clark, said the percentage of motorists stopped who tested positive across the county rose from 6.6 to 8.5.

And Insp Clark was concerned that 88 of the arrests last month were of drivers under the age of 25.

He said: "The drink-drive message does not seem to have hit home with younger drivers in quite the same way as with more mature drivers.

"In West Yorkshire we have a very strong track record in prosecuting drink driving throughout the year.

"We are encouraged by the figures. People have made some good decisions over the Christmas period either not to drive or nominate a driver chosen not to drink. But it is still a significant number of people arrested and we recognise it is one month's figures during a particular time of year when there is a lot of publicity around drink driving.

"We are not complacent and we will be maintaining the effort we have put in to prosecute drink-driving.

"Our high-profile policing of these offences throughout the year illustrates our commitment to making sure the roads are as safe as possible."

Insp Clark said both the police and Government were concerned about the numbers of young drink-drivers.

He said: "That is reflected in the media campaign to try to get the message across to young drivers of the risks involved, both to them and to other people."


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