Milkman Sean Garvey is delivering a different type of pint now he's taken over the village pub.

The 37-year-old single dad-of-two will be working round-the-clock to keep up his milk round and work the pumps behind The Albion in Greengates.

He has been getting up at 2am to do his rounds for eight years but has decided it was time for a change.

"My youngest starts school this year and I wouldn't know what to do with my days without him, they'd be empty so I decided to look for a new job and this is it," he said.

Sean originally gave up work in the construction industry swapping bricks for milk to spend more time with his children.

He moved into the Albion with Leon, almost four, and Avalon, nine, a few weeks ago and is now a familiar face behind the bar.

"I've got staff helping me but I'm there pulling pints as often as I can. The Albion was one of my locals, it's got a good feel to it," he said.

The Express Dairies Milkman of the Year in 2004 and runner-up in 2005 is well-known for his community spirit.

There have been times on his milk rounds when he has called the police up to three times a week - he once rang them six times in one night and once chased off a couple of would-be burglars when he saw them putting on balaclava masks.

But, he said: "Things have gone a bit quiet recently, I think the criminals have given up or gone into hiding because they heard I was keeping an eye."

Sean, who even started a regular newsletter for his customers called The Bottle, said he will not be giving up his rounds yet.

"I won't be giving up the doorstep deliveries yet, although it's been a struggle. More and more people are getting their milk from the supermarkets nowadays," he said.

He regularly stops off for cups of tea and chats, especially keeping an eye on his older customers. Fixing leaking overflows, running errands and even replacing a customer's damaged door lock are just some of the little extras he does.

"Taking on the lease of the pub is a bit of a natural progression really. I'll still have the community very much at heart," he said.

He will be keeping up the pub's charity work, in particular supporting Alzheimers, the RNLI and the RNIB.

And in the next couple of months he will also be raffling off a Bradford Bulls shirt in aid of Cancer Research UK.

e-mail: kathie.griffiths