The driver of a Subaru Impreza which flipped onto its roof and hit a parked car at the end of an early-morning police pursuit has been given a suspended prison sentence.

A judge today watched video footage of the high-speed pursuit which began in the West Bowling area of Bradford after Rashid Elahi, 21, and Arfan Akram, 24, had hot-wired the Subaru outside its owner's home.

During the four-minute video, Elahi, of Ryan Street, West Bowling, could be seen driving the Subaru at speeds in excess of 70mph.

At one point he drove along a narrow pedestrian pathway and ignored various traffic calming measures.

Elahi eventually lost control as he turned into Mumford Street and the Subaru flipped onto its roof.

Both men were arrested at the scene and Bradford Crown Court heard that the damage to the Subaru and a parked Citroen Saxo amounted to about £4,000.

During a police interview Akram, of Springmill Street, West Bowling, said he 'liked'' the Subaru and had succumbed to peer pressure.

Prosecutor Gavin Howie told the court that the time the Subaru was taken in November last year Elahi was a disqualified driver and Akram was subject to a suspended prison sentence for previous offences of dangerous driving and driving while banned.

Elahi's barrister Nicholas Askins conceded that the video taken from the pursuing police car showed a 'disgraceful episode'' of bad driving, but he noted that because the incident took place around 4.30am the roads were almost deserted.

Mr Askins said his client had pleaded guilty at the earliest possible opportunity and his family had expressed their disapproval of his behaviour.

Elahi pleaded guilty to offences of aggravated vehicle taking and driving while disqualified.

Recorder Mark Cran QC sentenced him to eight months in jail, suspended for 18 months, but he will also be subject to a four-month curfew between the hours of 8pm and 8am.

The curfew will be electronically-monitored and Elahi will also have to do 240 hours unpaid work and attend an enhanced thinking skills course as part of an 18-month supervision order.

Recorder Cran told Akram, who also admitted aggravated vehicle taking, that he would have to serve four months of his previous suspended sentence with a further eight months for the latest offence.

The judge said he was jailing Akram for a year because of his previous record of offending and the fact that he was principal participant in breaking into the Subaru.

Both men were disqualified from driving for a year.

Recorder Cran told Elahi that it was only by good chance that neither themselves nor any members of the public had been injured.