A former Territorial Army soldier from Skipton will not face any charges under the Official Secrets Act, his solicitor confirmed has confirmed.

Peter Stephen Hill, 23, was under investigation by MI5 and the Metropolitan Police under section one of the Official Secrets Act 1911, which covers passing information that could be helpful to an enemy.

Hill's solicitor Graham Stowe said the matter had been fully investigated.

He said: "The Crown Prosecution Service have decided no further action will follow."

Hill was arrested on suspicion of breaching the Official Secrets Act, but when addresses were searched material was allegedly found that led to him being charged under the Explosive Substances Act.

It is alleged he had in his possession a number of materials which, if combined together, could allegedly make an explosive device.

The materials included weedkiller, sugar, matches, bearings and a metal, hollow tube which were allegedly found at Hill's address in Lambert Street, Skipton, North Yorkshire.

Hill, who served with the Royal Armoured Corps, will appear at Leeds Crown Court next month for a plea and case management hearing.

He remains on conditional bail. One of the conditions include living at an address in Colne, Lancashire.