PLANS to open a cafe on a Cemetery Road car park have been approved after the applicant went back to the drawing board.

Proposals to place a shipping container in a car park of 107 Cemetery Road, and then convert the structure into a cafe, were refused by Bradford Council in September.

Planning officers said the container would be an "obtrusive feature" on the street.

The plans were then re-submitted by Jasvinder Maharaja with a re-designed cafe. This time the container would have stone cladding, which the plans said would better match the surrounding buildings.

Plan to turn Cemetery Road discount store into restaurant is refused

The application said: "The cafe is being franchised as Lahori Chai which is a modern and contemporary sit in coffee shop that also serves food such as Asian cakes and wraps....etc a healthy Asian version, unlike the greasy spoon builder’s roadside cafe."

Approving the second application, planning officers said: "The previous metal finish has been changed by the addition of stone slips. This has had the effect of lessening the previous rather stark finish, softening it to one that more closely matches that of surrounding buildings and appears less obtrusive within the wider street scene.

"On this basis, it is now considered that the proposal does not detract from the site visually."