Save Britain's Heritage has thrown its weight behind a community campaign to reopen one of Otley's pubs.

The national organisation has written to Otley MP Greg Mulholland to say it is supporting the Save our Summercross (SOS) campaign, which was launched last year when it became clear the pub was about to close.

The inn shut in October and has been bought by Horsforth-based developer Chartford Homes, which wants to build traditional-style terraced houses on the site.

But SOS, supported by the Town Council, ward councillors and other community groups, is continuing to fight to get the pub running again.

SOS chairman Shirley Lewis said: "We welcome this support from Save Britain's Heritage. It reinforces the need to recognise and preserve the historic value and cultural significance of the Summercross and surrounding land."

Otley MP Greg Mulholland said: "This is another boost for the SOS campaign following support from local organisations and the Campaign for Real Ale. The message is clear. A housing development is not wanted here.

"The Summercross is a part of Otley's heritage that should be preserved and I hope Chartford Homes, who have mistakenly bought the property believing a development would be welcomed, will now respond and allow the pub to reopen and serve the community as it has for many years."

More details on the campaign can be found at