North Yorkshire drivers were today praised by the "95 Alive" road safety partnership for low drink-drive figures over Christmas.

The number of people in the county arrested for drink-driving or refusing a test during the seasonal anti drink-drive campaign stands at 2.7 per cent of all tests, compared to a national average of five per cent.

The rate is lower than at the same time last year, despite a 52 per cent increase in the number of breath tests administered by North Yorkshire Police, with 4,378 people tested from December 1 to January 1.

Chris Anderson, chairman of the road safety partnership, said: "This year's drink-drive campaign was our largest ever in North Yorkshire and I am delighted that it has worked so effectively.

"The message has clearly got through to drivers and I'm pleased that the majority have heeded the warning. There is absolutely no excuse for drink-driving and most motorists realise that it's just not worth taking the risk."