Drugs squad officers found up to £16,000 of heroin and crack cocaine when they raided a house, a court heard.

Ishtiaq Mushtaq, 26, of Drewry Road, Keighley, denies two charges of possessing Class A drugs with intent to supply.

Prosecutor Lesley Dickinson told Bradford Crown Court today that the drugs were found at a house in Buxton Street, Keighley, after Mushtaq's arrest on April 22 2006.

Heroin and crack cocaine, with a street value of between £10,000 and £16,000 was found at the property.

Miss Dickinson said that forensic evidence linked Mushtaq to the stash.

She said the amount of drugs recovered meant Mushtaq was a dealer.

Mushtaq, who says the house belongs to a relative, accused police of planting evidence on him.

The trial continues.