Shipley Glen Tramway bosses are searching for volunteers to act as trustees on the board of the popular tourist attraction.

The plea comes following the "sad and unexpected death" of former tramway trustee Clive Woods last month, said chairman Richard Freeman.

He said that somebody with an interest in museum collections and local history was needed to fill the shoes of the historian, who became known as Mr Saltaire.

Two more members are also needed to deal with marketing and press and someone with a background in retail management.

Mr Freeman said: "We are looking for people who can plan and think strategically but also undertake some hands on activity.

"We receive no funding and everyone at the Tramway is a volunteer, so board members also need to roll up their shirt sleeves and ensure things get done.

"The commitment is 10 two-hour meetings a year plus additional time to oversee their area of expertise."

The tramway is now open every Saturday and Sunday thanks to an influx of volunteers, following an appeal in the Telegraph & Argus.

During the Easter bank holiday weekend in late March, the volunteers are planning an spot the Easter egg competition, plus a friendly hello from the Easter bunny and free chocolate eggs for all children.

Any volunteer board members will receive information and training.

For further information, call Sara Robinson on 07974 253089.