A battle to get a safe crossing on a Horsforth road is coming to fruition with the installation of a pelican crossing.

The work on the crossing on Station Road began this week, and means the temporary closure of the railway bridge section.

But despite potential problems for motorists Horsforth councillor Chris Townsley is stressing that the crossing is good news for the area.

"We have been fighting with the council and highways to get a safe crossing across the Station Road area," he said.

"This is paramount, because people have been taking their life in their hands crossing the road there. It is good news that we have got the council to create a crossing.

"It is an inconvenience and there is this disruption but it is potentially a life saver."

The temporary traffic order to close off part of the road came into operation on Monday and will remain in force for a maximum period of one month. The work is expected to take three weeks.

A diversionary route has been set up along Tinshill Lane, Otley Old Road, the A6120 Ring Road West Park, Low Lane and Troy Road.