A MEMORIAL to the 10 men who lost their lives while constructing the historic Queensbury Tunnel has been officially unveiled.

Work began in May 1874 and involved the excavation of 180,000 cubic yards of rock - some of which was used to build parts of the tunnel’s lining - as well as the manufacture and placement of around 5.2 million bricks to form the arch. But the perilous work was undertaken without any of the health and safety precautions found on modern engineering sites.

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: The official unveiling of the memorial. Pic: Tom Woollard The official unveiling of the memorial. Pic: Tom Woollard

This took a significant toll on the 600-strong workforce.

At 44, the oldest to die was John Swire, a profoundly deaf man who had only returned to work on the morning of his death after being hurt in another accident.

His right leg was severed below the knee when wagons ran over it. The youngest casualty was 25-year-old Frederick Goulding who found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time - standing between a wagon and a roof support when a large rock smashed into the wagon, causing Goulding to get crushed.

Another tragic loss was that of farm labourer Captain Pickles. On May 15, 1877, he married Edna Oddy at Bradford Parish Church. Days later, in a probable attempt to give his new wife a better life, the 30-year-old secured work as a platelayer on the railway, a job that attracted a higher rate of pay. 

Bradford Telegraph and Argus: Many people gathered to mark the occasion. Pic: Tom WoollardMany people gathered to mark the occasion. Pic: Tom Woollard

However on June 17, barely a month after his wedding, he was hit on the head by a half-ton timber in Queensbury Tunnel ,which had been dislodged by a trolley striking it. 

To honour those who lost their lives, the Queensbury Tunnel Society (QTS) has erected a memorial comprising two rows of wooden railway sleepers which stand either side of the path linking the Great Northern Railway Trail to the tunnel entrance.

They are each dedicated to one of the men and have QR codes on the back, linking to online biographies.

The materials were mostly donated by the Keighley & Worth Valley Railway, whilst the preparation and installation work was carried out by supporters of the campaign to reopen the tunnel as part of a Bradford-Halifax Greenway. A grant for the work was secured from the Bradford Connecting People fund.

Dozens of people gathered in the tunnel’s northern approach cutting on Sunday afternoon for a ceremony to formally inaugurate the memorial. The event was opened by Revolution-Queensbury Youth Band and included a short reading about the ten men, whilst Black Dyke Mills Folk Club performed a specially written song. 

Councillor Beverley Mullaney, Deputy Lord Major of Bradford, said:“There were dozens and dozens of injuries - many of them life-changing - accompanied by ten deaths. These men are the forgotten heroes of the railway boom that changed our nation in the 19th century.

“As we ride comfortably now on their infrastructure, we must not forget those who gifted us our railway network through the Victorian era. We have a duty to respect the sacrifices they all made.”

Judith Cummins, MP for Bradford South, added: “To see everybody here lends a great deal of encouragement to the campaign going forward.

“We have got to carry on that campaign and keep that campaign alive so, for future generations going forward, we connect not only Halifax and Queensbury, we also bring around fantastic health benefits for the people of Queensbury, Bradford and wider Yorkshire. It’s a huge project.

“It’s fantastic to have a lasting legacy to those who’ve given their lives. I often think that, when we look at the past, it does inform the future.”

Councillor Robert Hargreaves (Con, Queensbury) said: “The tunnel has great historical significance in making Queensbury the place that we know and love now. But more importantly, it offers huge potential for the future - not just for our children and those here today - but for everyone who comes after that.

“We do have £830 million for transport in West Yorkshire and the £20 million levelling-up fund, so now is a great opportunity - more than ever - to make this happen.”

QTS leader Norah McWilliam described the event as "moving and uplifting". 

She said: "We reflected on the lives of the ten men who succumbed in unimaginable circumstances, often leaving their families destitute. And we looked forward to the positive role the tunnel could still play if we open our eyes and see the vision.

“We cannot allow the valiant efforts of those men to be lost through a lack of ambition. It may be 143 years old, but Queensbury Tunnel remains a vital strategic connector and we’ll need it as we emerge into a greener and more enlightened future.”

The memorial is thought to be one of only two in the country dedicated to the navvies involved in constructing railway tunnels through the 19th century.